Thursday, June 26, 2008

To a certain someone.

"Call me a hypocrite,
But just look at yourself,
Naming and shaming,
Judging and blaming,
Taking a swipe,
Throwing insults and glares,
Slipping comments in secret,
Words behind backs.
Call me a hypocrite,
But know,
I'm not the damn hypocrite,
You are!" By AnominusMidge.

I don't get it, why do some people feel they have the right to judge and criticise others. You pretend to be all so holy and all. You have succeeded in seeing other's flaws yet you fail to notice your own. I hate the way you act so pitiful, always wanting to win. You call others a immature child. You ask others to stop and think. Why not you yourself stop and think. Instead stop mixing personal opinions with facts. You will never gain respect because you never give respect. Please for goodness sake, you all voted him into ex-co. Some voted him to be president, the least you guys could do would be to support him and give helpful advice. I repeat helpful advice not personal opinions that do no good but harm. Definately one would expect more than that from an 18 year old. Yes I repeat EIGHTEEN year old. You are a dangerous one, speaking badly about others and when those people you speak badly of approach you an confront you, you would say "Its my fault/Its always my fault/I'm always in the wrong." Stop trying to gain pity from others its just allows others to see how stupid you look. Oh never mind, you would barely understand since you are too busy wallowing in self-pity.


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