Monday, November 3, 2008

confi camp

AND HE IS IN MY GROUP! =D YAY. smiley face!

from church camp(:


haha. initially i didnt know what to expect!

on day 1, we all assembled there and everyone was quite.. okay..
and we slept on mattresses that resemble gymnastic mats :O

first, we assembled in this air conditioned room and had a talk by Brother Collin Wee! DAMN FUNNY MAN! HAHA!

"this girl with two pony tails and a lot of hairclips and makeup approached me. the perfect ahlian man."
"some of these people drink too much HL milk."
"huh? HL milk got melamine?"
"no, drink HL milk will become Hao Lian. (boastful)"

LOL! totally not what you would expect from a religious. he's funny(:

next, we had to go for NIGHTWALK! haha!
we were all blindfolded and had to walk in a straight line with our hands on the person infront of us. while the blindfolds were on, they swapped the positions of some people so all i know was that angela was infront of me, aaron was infront of her and after some shouting and talking, maria was infront of him. behind me was natasha and behind her was dylan.

the sec 3s were damn noisy man! keep shouting and stuff, haha! and ben kept taking photos and the blindfolds were just strips of a black thrash bag with additional pieces of masking tapes to decrease the degree of transparency so we could still like, see the bright flashes of light and it was quite painfuk =.=

after that we had to write letters to our parents, thanking them and stuff, after which we went to have baths. after that it was time to sleep and this was where the REAL fun began. LOL.

soon after, WHEN NONE OF US EXPECTED IT, maria, carrying her guitar and with a few other girls walked past our dorm. soon later, they walked back the other way and we asked them what they were doing and she said she was trying to find a place to play, and so some of us guys decided to follow them (in my catechism class, contact/confrontation accross gender is 0. really, 0.) and we all ended up in the dining room with most of the girls from our class also there and we were just, kind of sitting around a table, talking. soon the facilitators came around with a bag of sweets and offered us some! (they said that they bought it coz it was halloween o.o) anyways, we ate the sweets and soon went back up.

before we knew it it was already 3.30~4am. LOL.
some of the guys went out again to go to the toilet while i decided to lie down and i fell asleep... at 4.30am the rest of the guys returned and told me they were playing uno downstairs. WAHLAO. i missed a lot of fun ):

anyways, that brought us to the end of day 1 (start of day 2 already, LOL)

the next day, i quote Aloysius, our catechism teacher,
"we start the day at 10. i mean 7.10."

LOL. joker sia. give us false hope ):

in the morning we went to watch certain parts of STARWARS (LOL!). the aim was to show us on how different people find their callings, e.g. why Luke Skywalker started on his precarious journey to defeat the empire.

after that, we did some GROUP DISCUSSIONS and AFTER that, we had to discuss+act stuff! my group did Noah's Ark so we had to reenact how God told Noah to build the ark and Noah bringing the animals onboard and everything.
it was.. fun(:

after that we had lunch, after which we played a game (my class)
the girls taught us how to play husband and wife o.o

its like, pretty hard to explain so i shall not even bother trying. LOL.
anyway, we had fun RUNNING AROUND,
after which we went for All Saints' Day mass at the air conned room again (Father Angel came :D)

he was really funny too!
he was like listing out names of Angels and Saints and asking us if we had any of their names, and when none of us had the name of Paul or Peter or Simon etc, he was like, NOWONDER YOU ARE LOST! your names do not come from Saints, therefore you have nobody to follow! look at me, i am Angel. (everyone laughs) let me aks you, who are your Angels?

Me: BEN! (our other catechsim teacher)

Fr. Angel: ben? ben is a cat! (everybody looks at ben and laughs, he gives an exasperated look) wasnt that in a michael jackson song?

LOL! everybody laughed like shit man :D

anyways, after that we played GAMES. seriously the games damn shit man.

Station 1
Task: drink a sip of water, swallow it, collect your saliva and SPIT on a candle in an attempt to put our the flame.
Twist: Somebody has to hold the candle.

WAHLAO EH. i was the first to try and i MISSED. then i volunteered to hold the candle then aaron tried and HIT MY HAND, then joven tried and he spit ALL OVER THE CHAIR+MY HAND. LOL. DISGUSTINGGGG. the worst thing is when the next group went (Dylan's group) THEY THOUGHT OF MAKING THE PERSON SPITTING HOLD THE CANDLE SO YOU WONT HAVE SOME ONE ELSE'S SALIVA ALL OVER YOUR HAND. WAHLAO. why didnt i think of that.

Station 2
Task: split your group into 2 teams of 4 and play Air Soccer. it is a game where a tennis ball is placed in the middle of a table and the two teams each pick a side and are supposed to BLOW the ball over the opponent's side of the table.
Twist: the table is covered in flour which WILL get into your eyes/face/body.

Station 3
Task: there are 3 plates full of flour with only ONE gummy bear hidden in ONE pile of the flour. use only your face (no blowing) to find the flour.

my face was REALLY covered in flour man.

Station 4
Task: attempt to take a bite out of an apple in a bucket full of water.
Twist: as many of your group members as possible have to do it.

actually it was quite crap, and the facilitator didnt really care if we bit the apple so it was more like dunking our faces in water.

Station 5
Task: using only your HAIR, get as much water from 1 bucket to the other bucket (estimated 7-10 metres away)

sadly, due to time constraints, my group didnt get to do this.

Station 6
this was a mass game, meaning everybody, regardless of whether you're sec 2 or 3 have to do this together. basically, everyone had to stand in a circle and pass a strin through your shirt (through one armhole out the other).
Twist: the string has been soaked in a mixture of water, coffee powder and i dont want to know what else (it looked like a pail of mud to me).

worse, the facilitators kept getting their hands dirty in the coffee/water/mud/whatever concoction and running around dirtying people's shirt/face/arm/anything. however Dylan and i took a different approach! when the facilitator came towards us with menacing looks and hands full of WHATEVER SHIT IT WAS, we went up to hug the facilitators, getting our shirts/arms/faces really dirty before going on to "spread the love" to the rest of our classmates. LOL!

Station 7
this was the last game!
it was WATERBOMBS! haha!
basically, each group had to appoint a king to stand on a chair and the aim of the game was for each team to try to keep their king as dry as possible/make other kings wet. well, i didnt get to THROW any water bombs, but i blocked 6 or 7 bombs from hitting John, our king, and it felt damn refreshing man. esp. after the mud and everything. LOL.

after that we got hosed down (until the auntie came and scolded us for wasting water) then went to bathe.

after that was the barbecue!
haha, okay so i didnt actually eat any of the barbecued food o.o
i only ate the hokkien-mee-like thing and otahs o.o (squeezing into a crowd to fight for chicken wings isnt really my thing)

after that we played UNO again(:
FUN! haha.
natasha was sitting beside me and i tell you SHE GOT NO INTEGRITY MAN. KEEP TRYING TO SCREEN.

anyways, after uno we had to clean up the dining room and then we had a brief briefing before free time.

we all went back to our rooms first before having more fun (the girls wanted 15 minutes to pack) then we went to play TRUTH or DARE.

it was quite lame la actually, LOL!

most memorable was definitely JOSHUA KISSING FELICIA (cheek only la) LOL!
next was Dylan doing the Catwalk!
then i had to belly dance zzz..
then joven went to pole dance a tree.
then adriel said "i love you" to aaron and kissed him on the cheek. LOL.

the best truth was actually
she picked truth and i asked "do you REALLY LOVE BEN?!" (our catechism teacher who was sitting behind us)
brenda shouted "YES I REALLY LOVE BEN! ben i love you!"

then he was like WHAT?

me: eh! you chose truth leh, not dare!


after that we played another round of husband and wife!

playplayplay,runrunrun, SOON IT WAS ALREADY 1150!
so we all decided to take a break and some choose to bathe.

at around 1210, we guys were sitting there, eagerly anticipating the girls to come find us (NOT THAT WE WERE LAZY, WE WERENT ALLOWED IN THEIR DORM! and they were only strongly discouraged from ours D:)

sadly they didnt come ):
somehow, when you sleep at 4.30, for 2.5 hours on the first day,
sleeping at 1, for 5 hours seems really lame.

anyways, we were so bored we eventually fell asleep ):

on day 3 (today)
we had AMAZING RACE all the way back to church after morning service at Our Lady of Nativity.
okay.. kind of tired so i shan't blog about it today (i know this post is uber long too :D)

there's a kenneth (me), dylan and joshua (my 2 good friends) in my class.
in the sec 3 class, there's a kenneth dylan and joshua as well. LOL.



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