Friday, August 8, 2008


Same old thing its close 3am and I gotta wake up at 8.30am and yet... brr im not asleep yet. anw.. today was kinda of productive =) Anw a new addition to the extended family. Congrats to my cousin for a baby boy (= Saw the baby today. really cute. hahaha... oh wells. hms anw.. learnt some interesting facts as well =D but promised not to tell anyone so yea. hahahahhaha.. maybe when I'm not a student at TP anymore =P hms.. Oh yea I twisted a roadrunner outta balloons been 3 years or so since I last twisted the road runner. =O. Okay lar took me a while to remember =))) turned out pretty nice.

Hms Looking for holiday part=time job during September holidays! like maybe 3 times a week kind thing? or 4 times a week, inclusive of one weekend or two. hahaha.... pay must be like $6/hr like that . hahah.. oh wells.. I will apply for jobs soon =S LOL... pfft...

Omg 3am its an ungodly hour for a person who has to be awake at 8am. =S

Random snippet by venassa*

3 blind mice!
3 blind mice
see how they run! see how they run!
dunno how they dun run into walls!
and cats really cannot claw.
3 blind mice
3 blind mice!

Director: "Ok lar mice you can stop acting blind already" =P


Welcome to another episode of food for thought with VENASSA (=

Here's a mind boggling question If Plastic Surgery was free and painless would you do it?
Would you change your heritage to European and then deny you are Chinese? Plastic surgery
unfortunately is still a very controversial topic and it will spark a great variety of reactions.
Some might say what difference does it make to have Plastic surgery? As long as you are happy right?
Others beg to differ. Saying plastic surgery is a facade, so fake, so plastic after all we all want the real thing don't we?

Here's my take on doing plastic surgery, If you wanna do it then you gotta be ready to take criticisms and even more if you are doing it for fame... You should be ready to take the bad publicity if the news ever come out. You must be prepared to face the music (= If you are too
coward to face the music. You can hide for a long period of time but when you come out you still have to face the music.

For Dawn yang's case. I would say I have no right to judge, she knows what she has done and what she have not.. If she innocent she should have nothing to worry about, why threaten a law suit as if she has something to hide? Why get xiaxue to remove all posts she wrote? Isnt that hinting some truth in xiaxue's posts? Anyway.. the truth will be the truth and I believe in Karma. Lets see whats the outcome of the blogwar between them (=

Thats all for food for thought with VENASSA

On a serious note Its way past bed time for tonight. =( I'm off to dream land! tooodles! <3


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