Saturday, August 2, 2008

I'm so sleepy and tired.

I just emailed xian yong the two personal articles I was supposed to do. I AM SO DEAD I DUNNOE HOW TO DO THE COUNTRY ANALYSIS!!! I got the data though =) Tonight's session was interesting i guess. confirmation planning meeting went okay as well. Yassin after that was great too I couldn't finish half my beehoon goreng though luckily kath. helped me with it =) ANW... I'm so sleepy and tired. =( The smoke from the ghost festival is choking up my lungs =( I hate the smoke it makes my throat feel irritated and my lung feels fuzzy.. ANW... I found out a new way of shuffling cards w/o riffling it =P Happy like cow!

And I just hit a relisation. My jokes are super corny =( But I havent eaten corn in a while. so why is it still corny?? Anw looking forward to tomorrow!!! and I have decided I am not going on sunday (= cause I don't feel like it. hms..


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