Sunday, August 17, 2008

Study Week.

Mugg mugg mugg! Mugg like a MUGGER!=(
exams start this friday. ends next thursday.
App. I went for 9.30am mass again.. like I didnt exactly.
wake up for mass. cause... I didn't sleep again. hahaha...
yeaps. miracle I didn't fall asleep during homily =)

I'm happy as it is =D Never felt better in my whole life..
hahah. if you know what I mean =)

So ended up at home... then didn't feel like studying so..
I went to sleep. hahaha.. woke up at 6pm or 5ish. then..
ate dinner.... erm.. went online. played some games...
Holiday's coming really soon. Can't wait =) Can't wait for
29th August. hahaha.. start of the holidays! =)
Well. I didn't watch the ping pong match between sg and Cn.

hahahah... mum was hogging the tv. expectedly sg lost. oh wells.
anw we clinched the silver medal thats really excellent =D woohoo.

Been doodling lately.. haha I'm going to put up a sample of what
I have been doodling. COPYRIGHT yo! =D

I added colour earlier on. looks quite chic. =D
doodled a book also.. bah bah bah =)

[edit monday, 3am] ehhhh studied a bit for fbfun. then ended up what watching the olympics. hahha.. gym! lol. ok anw shall post up the picture of the doodle... of the book i mentioned earlier.

Can't really see much.. bad photo =(
I'm really hungry now. craving for macdonalds =(
but then macdonalds is really really bad for you..

Here's proof. Gosh the fries are the bomb! so many preservatives!
no wonder so addictive =( AH I CANT WAIT FOR SEPT1108. =D
haha. oh wells... Hms hungry.. hungry!!! Roarrr..... wish the hunger
pangs will go away.
Fun Fact: Did you know a average human being can survive one
week solely on water w/o food! =)


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