Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Hello people.

sending out invitations for an impromptu gathering during sept holidays!! (=
please reply emails thanks!! *refer to email for more details*

oh yea FINALLY got the damn Auguste book. =) Its been hell editing and editing I designed a nice menu as well (= I'm not done editing yet. Finished editing and adding more dishes to the mains, appretizers, soups, deserts and drinks and beverages. So many recipes so hard to choose!! =(
Oh yea I'll come up with a short salad list as well better not put under appretizers haha later kena jack. suan whatever by teacher. -.-'''

Been so sleepy these few days =( Sleepy bug got me! so tempted to pon commskills!!! LOL.. 11am commskills. slap me please. thanks you.
oh yea im still a facebook noob and i only have 29 friends on facebook which is pathetic compared to my 330 friends on friendster. =( please friends join facebook =P hahahahhaha.. like my brother is the only person writing on my wall and I accidently spammed him 3 plants. *noob yea* yea. of course.
ok looking forward to weekends (=


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