Wednesday, August 20, 2008

study study study

well i was QUITE productive =) haha.. unlike someone cause I went to church like 2 hrs earlier then someone so I managed to finish the chapters on wine.. and finish 3 past year papers 1 was a supp paper =D haha. Very interesting. I guess can spot what Is going to come out already.. studying with someone was damn fun. hahah. and funny. when we our attention span broke ( mine broke earlier) we started playing cs on his laptop =D hahahahhaha...

and like after that I guess didn't really feel well ( never sleep neh) sooo went home bath-ed brushed teeth and slept at 5pm O.O hahaha... so retarded never even eat dinner. =( lunch was a horror also hahahah.. like fan choy was horrible. =( neh.. neh.. haha. hms.. ehhh.. sigh... ehhh woke up at 1.30am went back sleep. then woke up at 5am. ate breakfast O.O yea.. contemplating gg some where to study.. or shall I just goof off? =(


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