Saturday, October 18, 2008


I feel revived. One year has passed since ADYD07. Today its ADYD08.

So the story started this morning at 5.30am. I slept at 5.30am. haha. cause I was reading a super addictive book. Woke up at 10am to go to church. Imagine the sleepy eyes and face I had.. So since we were at blk3 at 10.30am already and we were supposed to be in church by 10.30am so we told aunty daph we will reach by 11am then me and mar went to breakfast. hahah. quite funny lar we eat till we reach church at 11.15am. haha.. Shhh.

Then in the end everyone reached at like 12pm. rawr. Should have slept more! So from 11.15am to 12pm I finished reading the 2nd book of the magician guild trilogy. I shall not attempt to start on the 3rd till tomorrow. So youth day, was pretty much dry and the beginning, as usual I was telling my group all the lame jokes. hahaha.. what to do? We finished our discussion so quickly cause the "whales"(group name) were so efficient. So we had like 5mins of freetime or so. What other then to do what I do best, tell lame jokes ;P The jokes I told were pretty old jokes.. hahaha.. considered old jokes to my friends who are close to me.

3rd segment at toa payoh stadium was good. Its was overall a better experience then previous year even though I am a different audience cause I am the facilitator now. =) Loved the songs but it could be better. The best part was we were like chanting "ONE WAY! ONE WAY!" prompting them to sing it. hahah. too bad we were ignored but we like pestered then for like 15mins.. hahaha.. whole stadium loves one way!!!

Amazingly right after the holy spirit segment, my shoulders felt less stiff. I feel good. =)

Ok after the session. I was so sleepy and thirsty.. we headed to like tp int. we head the taiwan ooloong tea thingy. It was orgasmic. Totally. Ok after that walked around.. then took bus home.

Thank you gab for lending me ezlink card =) hahahahaha... Thank you my group the "whales" for participating during the activities and being so guai ;D

I decided my birthday shall have many pink balloons.


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