Saturday, July 19, 2008

haha quiz

1.) What does your URL mean?
-Theauthenticflavour. eh actually its just some random thing
I though of =D I was drinking green tea. (There wrote brewed from authentic tea leaves i think hahaha.)

3) How many tags do you have?+++
eh many many =)

4) What's your current relationship status?+++
Ok relationship with husband drifting apart.
Never touched him for so long. HAHA it sounds so frigging wrong.
MY husband is MY guitar btw. (acous)

5) Are you happy today?+++
Eh I never clap my hands leh. so what you think?
( *melody*If you are happy and you know it clap your hands!*melody*)

6) Who will cut and paste this first?+++
Eh whoever got scissors and glue lor.

7) Someone with the same birthday as you?+++
Eh Joel Tan. hahahahhahaha.. 23r NOV! yea man.
Great people were born on that day! *cough* hehs

8) Are you mean?+++
Yea I'm mean. Really mean =) haha I am really mean.
why you dun believe sia. =( I AM MEAN LOR. hahahah...

9) Have you ever sang in front of a large audience?
yea. a few occasions. once was P3 hahaha...
another was like 2 years back teaching the children
how to sign the b-i-b-l-e song during camp =)

10) Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?+++

11) Current song you're listening?+++

ni na me ai ta ( you love him that much* chinese*)

12) Is your birthday on a holiday?+++

IT was like for past 16 years of my life.
I think its not anymore =(

13) Have you ever been rushed to the emergency room?+++
eh i think so? Can't remember. I think I had asthma or something.
Eh got rush meh. Ok lar I think have. hahaha.

14) Person who texted you.+++
Yuan hui, xian yong about project!!!

15) Talk on the phone.+++
eh xian yong about project =)

16) Last person you hugged?+++
MY bolster.

17) Person you text a msg?+++
Xian yong, yuan hui, timothy, john. about project lorh.

18) Last song you heard?+++
haha change song already lar the playlist.
eh driveaway.

19) What are you doing right now?+++

20) Tonight.+++
TONIGHT Is my last night.

22) What did you have for lunch?
Eh nvr really ate lunch..

23) Got any plans?+++
eh yea. finish all the bloody projects. and

24) Dislikes about tomorrow.+++
So many things to do so little time!! =(

25) Do you have to work?+++
Yea I have school work. home work. (=

26) Thinking about someone.+++
Not really too tired to think about that someone.

27) Missing someone.+++
been missing that someone for really long though (=

28) Current mood?+++

30) Are you listening to music?
yea. =)

32) What were you doing at noon today?

33) Has anyone ever sang or played music for you personally?
eh idk.. my laptop plays music for me personally all the time =)
OH YEA someone did sing to me. hahaha.

34) Ever wanted to be a teacher?+++
If I wanted an early death I would apply (=

35) Forgive people?+++
I forgive but I don't forget =)
Its hard to forget most of the time.
but if you say sorry I forgive you =)

37) What do your cousins call you?
Really depends which cousins.
older cousins from mum side: NESSA (sounds like NEHH SAAA)
younger cousins from mum side: vennypoo
cousins my age: ven ( sounds like van)

Cousin from dad side: venassa. =)

38) Has anyone ever told you they like you more than a friend?+++
Yea. =) hahahahahahha...

39) Name one cute celebrity?

41) Favorite ice-cream?
ehhh a lot leh.
cookie dough(B&J)
macadamia (SWENSENS)
mochi icecream

42) Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?+++
Yes. I believe that everything happens for a reason. I also believe in Karma.

43) What's the weirdest thing you've heated up in the microwave?+++
Eh hehe you sure u wanna know? I didn't exactly heat it up i kinda boiled it.
haha i made hardboiled eggs using the micro wave =D

44) Do you fall for people easily?+++
haha i got loads of eye candy ( eh now not really already)
ehhh but when I really fall for someone I fall hard. (=

45) Has anyone disappointed you recently?+++

46) Do best friends support you no matter what?
eh yea.. they try to talk me out but in the end they still support me (=

47) Any plans next summer?+++
eh hibernate.

Name 8 people to do this quiz: anyone on my friendster =D


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