Tuesday, August 26, 2008

2 to go

well 2 for now. one more later.

Firstly a BIG BIG thanks you to XIANYONG! =D
Thanks for lending me the calculator =D (long story)

econs paper was relatively okay. super happy.

cabbed home with cab khaki aka gab.

I'm rethinking looking for a job. 1 month is too short. too too short. but I'm broke. how sia..
hahah maybe go find those you know you do survey then get $50 that kind
haha but the surveys all so tedious de. =( what 1 hr all. haha nvm maybe
i'll survive my holiday on $300. or so.. hahaha...

Tim sum and Overnight mahjong with khakis this friday =D
hms. and they are going to follow me to sembawang =D to collect
ruiwen's shoe.. ahhh the week just started and I'm left with $54.
nehhh veer mind. I'm going to withdraw $50 this friday. hahah.
lets start a SAVE VENASSA from POVERTY FUND =D

Can't wait for 11th sept! mannny things to look forward to on that day!
like e.g meet up with the oh so dearly missed friends at my place..
annddd my camera. =D still contemplating between a holga or
a digital cam. haha... quite retarded.. you know holga also got
digital one! damn cute summore. its exterior is made of some
jelly skin like material so you squeeze the camera to take a

hahaha... oohhh I'm so broke.
If only money grew on trees. or if santa claus was real.. or
if everything was FOC. which is prob. NEVER going to happen here in SG.
arh. I'm craving japanese food. but no money. so neeeeh ver mind.
hahaahha I got like the JAP short grain rice at home but then very mafan to cook.
like gotta soak for 30mins then cook then STEAM then add rice vinegar. hahah..
maybe during hols =D hahaha.. wheeee......................................................................
eh I dun mind working for event/project based job.. anyone got like lobang.
call me please =))) pay $5.50/hr and above I'll gladly take. =D hahaha..
I got a nice resume okay.. sort of nice. =P


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