Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Bleeding fingers..

My fingers on my left hand are on the verge of rupturing. The reason being cause after such a long time I finally picked up my acoustic guitar and played stairway to heaven.. and I'm such a noob at bar chords. I'm fine with bar chords on classical guitar but this acoustic guitar is killer
=( App. my classical guitar kinda suffered broken bones( 4th string broke) and its gonna fall apart sooner of later so I decided to just buy a new classical instead of getting a new string.. darn it shouldn't have tighten it back then. So Its just my acoustic and me =) Finally kinda got the intro part of stair way to heaven. You Know the last part of the intro. . yea I kinda couldnt get the beat right. now its kinda getting there. haha... can get the first part right though =) I want my classical guitar back! My fingers are so TOFU! Literally.

Like last night around 3am I watched WILD CHILD. Its a damn good show. I highly recommend people to go watch the story line is kinda similiar to the naughtiest girl in school series by enid blyton. WELL since its only 10am and I am going out in 30mins I'll update in a further post later. The reason why I am bloggin so often is cause I am bored. I'm bored of dotaing. I even resorted to playing neopets AGAIN. Going out is only half my life. the other half is my computer with the lack of homework/ school time. I find myself stoning into the stupid white screen. or watching mythbusters or whoselineisitanyway? on youtube. okay Im off to stone another 15mins away =)


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