Monday, September 15, 2008

It started with bruised knees and ended with smoked lungs.

I kinda didnt sleep this morning then while preparing to go to church erm. I fell down -.-''' cause the floor was wet. so basically one leg slided causing me to land with great impact on my left knee.. Its pretty much fine but it hurts when I kneel down or erm press it. then went to mass attending 8am chinese mass. it was pretty much pointless cause I didnt understand a single shit. Then I didnt plan to go for the sports carnival. but uncle andrew asked me to help carry the first aid kit there. and yeap there i stayed with my jeans and all till i went home and changed then pretty much stoned and sun tanned till 12.30. then went home... erm. went sheng siong with mar.. gulped down 1litre of apple juice.. hmss... then went to sleep around 2pm till about 5pm woke up ate dinner. went back to sleep till 6pm.. then erm went back to sleep till 6.50pm then made my way down stairs to play with lantern! and sparklers!!! ahaha.. let some of the pictures do the talking..

ERM after that went blk 3 for supper. well my second dinner. haha..
then home. dotaed three games. the second one I was irritating
people. like shit. hahaha... but I didnt really have mood to play
cause TMR need to go back school. =( I hope I wouldnt be lonely
during revision lecture.. ARGH life is killing me. I need sleep.


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