Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Many reasons to cry..

But many more reasons to smile. =)

Revision lecture was pretty fun and not what I expected. App. only 6 out of 18 people turned up for the lecture. It has been such a long time since I attending intht lecture. Felt a tinge of regret. Hints were really obvious and helpful. Thanks you lecturer!

Lunched with Sabrina at tm. ate yoshinoya. I tried ala carte thingy. that is quite ex. haha.. ended up as too much food!!! couldnt finish the last dish(dessert). cause I ordered soya bean as well. the fish wasn't as fantastic as I wished it could be for this rather costly meal. I paid $10 for the meal. haha.. oh wells.. I guess I'll stick to the hotdog factory's fish sandwich as they call it(burger). Reached home around 4.30pm. lazed around doing nothing.. till about 8.30pm then started dota-ing with the usuals. Got to play with ky's friend yh as well around 3ish-am. I guess today's mood for dota was way better then yesterday. as usual I was top for twin headed dragon. I guess for now thats the only hero where I will not be last. with the exception of techie and drow.

Overall, I guess all is good.
I have a busy busy day later on.. Going to do something important for someone. which is get someone's present. I am going to be so so so broke. =( I got like $60 left. okay and maybe my card as well.. but I don't wanna draw too much money too! my ezlink card has -0.18cents. Oh wells.. I don't feel like sleeping tonight. how? Can I survive?

We are strangers living in the same world. So different that it hurts to be seen together or to see each other, We are seperated by Hierarchy. Its like a Toad lusting after swan's flesh. Unfortunately I am the toad. I miss the days I had something to dream about. My life just seems so incomplete. There is this void, this vacume left in my heart. Emptiness. Its a dull kind of emptiness and I don't like it. I try to be happy. I try not to think about you. But when I have nothing to do my mind wanders back. I'm still living in the past. I'm dreading church now. God help me. I suddenly hit me. I'm feeling all the pain. Its just myself I am killing. Love turned hate. I hate you for giving me false hope. Yes its true hate is the result of wounded love. A manga artist once said when there is love there is the risk of hate. I don't know why I am even typing this small little teenny weeny paragraph. I need my friends NOW! and perhaps god. I haven't been praying much lately. Its just the fast muttering of "God be with me and my family." or "God help me." or "God are you there?" I guess I never really said "Thank you." Am I the ungrateful type? I know I maybe be a spoilt brat but am I that bad? Maybe I am.

"Come to the cross do not be afraid, Jesus is waiting to take away your pain. Come to the cross do not hesitate he gives us new life today.."
A chorus of an old forgotton song. I Love.

I want to share this page with you guys.. CLICK HERE I guess thats whats touches my heart the most lyrics written from the heart. maybe its just luck I got to that page maybe its god. I choose to believe the latter.


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