Thursday, July 24, 2008

kope off mar's blog

1.If you had to choose death by an elephant or a lion, which would you choose?
ehhh.. got elephant or lion roaming singapore meh? You think madagascar arh. hahahah...
excape into the wild. unfortunately for that lion or elephant singapore isn't exactly the wild. hahahha...

2.If you were stranded on an island with the one person you couldn't stand, what would you do?
Eh since I cannot stand I sit lor.. hahah I'll go to sleep =)

3.The doorbell rings, it's the pizza man. You didn't order pizza. What do you say?
Is this paid for already? If it isnt you got the wrong house! =D

4.If the President said that grass couldn't be green anymore and everyone needed to vote on a new color, what color would you choose?
Eh I'll choose GREEN! *gives bimbotic blonde smile* Isn't green a new colour? *smile summore*. okok dammit. LIGHT GREEN. *gives a bimbotic blonde smile*

5.You're with your friends at the movies when all of the sudden ninjas fall from the ceiling. What do you do?
Eh take a picture and post it on stomp/newspaper. IMAGINE THE HEADLINES! Its raining ninjas!! boy wouldn't I get FAMOUS! (=

6.Is Barney your favorite dinosaur?
Ehh.. He is purple. He's gay. haha.. barney's GAY!!!!
in a good way.

7.Why are baby cats called kittens but baby lions are called cubs?
` cause the lion mama looked at her babies and say CUP(b)S AND SAUCER PANS! BOY ARE THEY !@#@! (viewer discretion) ugly. *jking yea* unfortunately the papa lion hear the first word only.

8.If you were President for the day, what's one thing you would do?
` I'll go explore mars. (=

9.If you could create a new world, what would it consist of?

10.If NASA found it to be safe to live on Mars, would you go?
Yea. If its FREE! (= and like if earth died.

11.It's late. You're home alone. You hear something creepy. You're scared to move, but your phone is next to you. Who do you call?
EH hehe. I guess a few of you know WHO I would call. =D unfortunately it remains a secret. (=

12.If you had to choose between working at a junk yard or a truck stop, which would you choose?
junk yard. so cool so many old things. maybe i'll find myself eh some treasure map!

13.Is love really a battlefield?
battlefield: blood, gore, war, hatred, hurt pain.
dramatic irony: love is like a battlefield and yet the opposite of a battle field.

14.Have you ever eaten a rotten apple?
eh no.. I ate a rotten peanut before. Don;t ask.

15.If online dating was the only way to find a date, what website would you choose?
comission fees at affordable rates of $1m per sucessful match.
no money back gurantee!

16.Ever made up a crazy story and told it to someone who actually believed it?
bahahah durh.. super a lot of stories please. hahaha... shhh!! It was kinda realistic?

17.If you could be on any TV show, what would it be?
DEAL OR NO DEAL *money minded* haha. or...
the taiwan jacky wu show =D japan hour is good too.

18.If all schooling and salaries were the same, would you rather be a teacher, lawyer, astronaut or actor?
I wanna go to mars. serious. outer space has so many secrets.
so is earth the only planet that supports life?

19.Would you rather have a pet skunk or pet porcupine?
` porcu without the pine(s) =D

20.If you could decide the happenings of tomorrow,what would they be?
EH... I will win $1B DOLLARS! woohoo.


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