Thursday, September 18, 2008

All the laughter and joy.

Throw away pride, throw away image.
For with these actions comes friends that love you for who you are.

I slept at 3pm yesterday. Spent the whole morning watching japanese drama. some GTO teacher. hahahha... I finished the whole damn drama in one day!! started at like 6am? ended at 3pm. woohoo I am the BOMB! =) then at 4pm my dearest friends started calling me to wake me up. apparantly. I er automatically rejected all. hahaha... its instinct. Damn sorry. And Thank you for trying to wake me up =))) Finally woke up at 5.30pm and went to collect the cake/pie. hahaha.. eh I am too lazy to blog about the rest.

A few words of Thanks. Thank you Samantha and her mum for helping us with the plan =) Even thought Plan A didn't work out Plan B did. hahahaha... Thank you Gabriel for being a sport =) Sorry yea got a lot of constraints so it was not as exciting as I would have liked it to be. =)

App. There is this list of people who wished gabriel happy birthday hahah in order. omg. really stupid lar. I am 7th. haha. YOU know why? I typed HAPPY. then since we were all on skype he said happy birthday before I could press enter. O.O hahah... dots.. really dots. hahahahah.. couldn't talk much on skype cause my mum is sleeping. in the same room. O.O

Reached home around 11.30pm.. Bathed and help my brother cut ribbons. haha.. see I am such a nice sister. =))) Haha.. Okay lar was feeling rather guilty I used his cream to make cream pasta. But then again he didn't say I couldnt use it =D

Okay I really don't know what to blog about. I gotta start studying!!! Paper is on thursday. Good luck to myself. Many things to do.. So little money I am left with $40 for the week. I guess I could live with that. =)

I just realised I am really lucky. Thank you dota khakis for making laugh at night and through the wee hours of morning!!! It makes life much easier.


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