Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Made In China. The famous of the infamous?

What impression is formed when you as a consumer look at a products origin?

The greedy syndrome has strucked again. China has yet been found guilty of another case of recalled items due to dangerous factors in the products. This time its milk items. This calamity has claimed at least 4 lives and yet 6000 over are critically ill and over 150 babies are suffering from kidney failure! yes BABIES! The poor innocent little things that didn't even had a choice of its own milk formulas. Isn't it strange? It seems like china prefer to focus on the cure not on the prevention part. I guess recalling of items has becomed a habit for them. Shouldn't the government take better precautions?

This is NOT the first incident that has caused damage, not only to others but to their own reputation as well. So is this recalls a publicity stunt? or merely the lack of concern or selfishness? Till then we should boycott made in china products!

Here are some of the headlines that have been seen because of china.
-Japan firms recall China foods after 10 fall ill
-From China to Panama, a Trail of Poisoned Medicine
-China Has Been Spiking Cat & Dog Food All Along
-SpongeBob Products Latest Chinese Recall
-Tires Are Latest Chinese Recall in U.S.
-China denies role in pet food recall
-Chinese dairy knew milk fault weeks before recall
-China: Recall Arms Shipment Headed for Zimbabwe
-Apple china replaces battery
-Japan orders recall of pesticide rice from China
-Poison blanket recall
-China toxic milk sickens 53,000 as scare spreads (Latest)

Instead of blaming other people for what have happened or pushing the blame away it would be nice for a change to take responsibility and find out the root problem. Is it corruption? Is it a flaw in the government system? I know I myself as a product consumer will not consume anymore made in china products. I urge other concerned consumers to do the same. Why let them get away with it? Let them know your view as a consumer is also affected by their reputation. boycott!


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