Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A boring old post..

Finally the supp paper is over. Hopefully I passed. =)
Eh lets see... hm.. wells.. actually nothing really interesting happened.
other then like this morning was supposed to meet mar to go school.
then... haha i decided to go later. so smsed her dun meet ler. then..
when i got onto the bus around 8.09. I saw marianne. O.O on the bus.
hahah. damn funny. kua kuahh kuahhhhh..

intht supp paper. wrote and wrote till section c. i was so tired of writing
i started writing in a sloppy manner. hahaha.... quite funny. can tell lar.
hand tired. O.O but its still readable not as bad as my literature essays
i have handed up in secondary 4. those were really bad! what could one
expect!?! 8 pages in 40minutes. O.O hahahaha... those were the days.
Now I can barely write 5 pages in 1 hr and get tired..

Reached home went on skype and dota-ed. hahaha.. quite retarded..
its like we were losing and all then suddenly we cleared team then
we pushed mid and ended. haahhaa... was like similiar to yesterday's game.
= O valuable lesson learnt! Even when you are losing all is not lost! =)


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