Sunday, August 31, 2008


First tim sum at victor's kitchen.. yummy. then pool and arcade then meeting in church.. then dinner.. thennn... mj. lol I was sneezing the room down. really felt tired.. =S lol managed to stay awake mj-ing till 6am.. then... walked home took another bathe. rest my aching arms (haha from washing tiles) I lousy right. play mj also arms ache. haha actually arh mj quite a good exercise to practise sit and reach. ^ ^.

woke up at 2pm to eat then went back to sleep.. ehh eh eh.. ok lar. I wanna eat food now. sadly cant. haha ohohoh I CAN HOST! wooho. haha quite retarded. =))) I hosted tonight. hahahaha... oh If you dun have any firewalls but because of windows firewall I can help u host too =)))
PM ME on msn! =)))

Tmr's timsum again at 3.30pm. ahahaha.. yummy yummy..

Thursday, August 28, 2008


retards. =D fun. webcamming hahahah.....


I AM SO PISSED OFFF.... the host used lag hack.
but amazingly... I managed to farm until so zun.
then he left. WTF. when he lost. stupid host.
look I am top for once... O.O

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Kinda bullshitted my way through today's paper.. Wells... I am quite okay for essay question 6 but im bloody dead for question 7. hahahha... bull shit man.. hahahah...

okay... ONE MORE! ONE MORE! and I finally called IJ. to ask about my so overdued testimonial. hahaha believe it or not I haven't collected it yet. then I asked is it still there? then the lady was like yes you can come collect.. SO... I'll go collect this friday when I drop by for teacher's day =) Friday is one busy busy day... first go back to chij. then after that timsum with the gang then collection of the shoe. then church for meeting then mj at mar's =D but friday makes me one happy happy girl.

Ok one more one more paper to go!!! RHT! RHT!! =(

[edit] 9.30pm. hey guys I know I am damn slow but a classmate of mine her dad is in ICU.
ALL my christian friends please keep her dad in your prayers!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

2 to go

well 2 for now. one more later.

Firstly a BIG BIG thanks you to XIANYONG! =D
Thanks for lending me the calculator =D (long story)

econs paper was relatively okay. super happy.

cabbed home with cab khaki aka gab.

I'm rethinking looking for a job. 1 month is too short. too too short. but I'm broke. how sia..
hahah maybe go find those you know you do survey then get $50 that kind
haha but the surveys all so tedious de. =( what 1 hr all. haha nvm maybe
i'll survive my holiday on $300. or so.. hahaha...

Tim sum and Overnight mahjong with khakis this friday =D
hms. and they are going to follow me to sembawang =D to collect
ruiwen's shoe.. ahhh the week just started and I'm left with $54.
nehhh veer mind. I'm going to withdraw $50 this friday. hahah.
lets start a SAVE VENASSA from POVERTY FUND =D

Can't wait for 11th sept! mannny things to look forward to on that day!
like e.g meet up with the oh so dearly missed friends at my place..
annddd my camera. =D still contemplating between a holga or
a digital cam. haha... quite retarded.. you know holga also got
digital one! damn cute summore. its exterior is made of some
jelly skin like material so you squeeze the camera to take a

hahaha... oohhh I'm so broke.
If only money grew on trees. or if santa claus was real.. or
if everything was FOC. which is prob. NEVER going to happen here in SG.
arh. I'm craving japanese food. but no money. so neeeeh ver mind.
hahaahha I got like the JAP short grain rice at home but then very mafan to cook.
like gotta soak for 30mins then cook then STEAM then add rice vinegar. hahah..
maybe during hols =D hahaha.. wheeee......................................................................
eh I dun mind working for event/project based job.. anyone got like lobang.
call me please =))) pay $5.50/hr and above I'll gladly take. =D hahaha..
I got a nice resume okay.. sort of nice. =P

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Dream is a wish your heart makes

A Dream is a wish your heart makes

A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you will lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep

Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbows will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believingthe dream that you wish will come true

A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're feeling small
Alone in the night you whisper
Thinking no one can hear you at all
You wake with the morning sunlight
To find fortune that is smiling on you
Don't let your heart be filled with sorrow
For all you know, tomorrow
The dream that you wish will come true

A dream is a wish your heart makes...
A dream is a wish your heart makes...

You wake with the morning sunlight
To find fortune that is smiling on you
Don't let your heart be filled with sorrow
For all you know, tomorrow
The dream that you wish will come true

No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true

Really? will the dream I wish come true? If only life was a fairytale.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Day of retarded-ness.

Ok You know this post is going to be super tak UNGLAM...
and freaking funny. so sit back relax and ENJOY!

I like this one too.. hahahah.

I kinda like that one =D

WAH SUPER UNGLAM.. like teacher.

looks okay lor. a big unglam haha..

OMG so tak unglam.

I think I look pretty good here =D

wah bad hair day. hahahha. like cat like that

OMG the hairspray movie =D

FREAKISH sia tak unglam

haha i look so chio.

I used the photo and changed the option to the MALE gender
on the left it is ME... O.O on the right is my real brother O.O
so freaking corny.

super fun. =D I had fun.

Friday, August 22, 2008

I'm like back

I haven't been blogging.. the reason being is cause I screwed up my body clock once more... Been sleeping at 6pm and waking up at 3/4/5am O.O ok lar better then sleeping at 9am =D ok lar... like been gg to church the past few days to study... well I always go around 8am...

ok today had fb fun paper. then after that went home then went church around 12.30pm..
hms was studying econs then me and gab had this very interesting convo...
one of his bimbotic moments =D

Me: "Cheque is NOT money"
Gab: "Of course! Cheque is PAPER!"
Me: "Lol money is paper(notes)"

I was writing this convo down or not i'll forget haha. so I could blog.

Gab: "I am gonna tear this paper" (The one I was writing on)
Me: "That's money you are tear-ing!"

BIG LOL. haha ok like the rest of the day is a SECRET (=
(bet you kpo right want to know =X )
(Let your imagination run wild =D )

Ok.. I'm off to push my sleeping time back to 10pm cause got paper on monday at 7pm! =S

Wednesday, August 20, 2008



study study study

well i was QUITE productive =) haha.. unlike someone cause I went to church like 2 hrs earlier then someone so I managed to finish the chapters on wine.. and finish 3 past year papers 1 was a supp paper =D haha. Very interesting. I guess can spot what Is going to come out already.. studying with someone was damn fun. hahah. and funny. when we our attention span broke ( mine broke earlier) we started playing cs on his laptop =D hahahahhaha...

and like after that I guess didn't really feel well ( never sleep neh) sooo went home bath-ed brushed teeth and slept at 5pm O.O hahaha... so retarded never even eat dinner. =( lunch was a horror also hahahah.. like fan choy was horrible. =( neh.. neh.. haha. hms.. ehhh.. sigh... ehhh woke up at 1.30am went back sleep. then woke up at 5am. ate breakfast O.O yea.. contemplating gg some where to study.. or shall I just goof off? =(

Monday, August 18, 2008


Heres a picture of the doodle with colour
picture is a little blur. hahahha... I love doodling
with black markers =))) I love abstract! woohoo..

I'm back hibernating for the exams! =)))

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Study Week.

Mugg mugg mugg! Mugg like a MUGGER!=(
exams start this friday. ends next thursday.
App. I went for 9.30am mass again.. like I didnt exactly.
wake up for mass. cause... I didn't sleep again. hahaha...
yeaps. miracle I didn't fall asleep during homily =)

I'm happy as it is =D Never felt better in my whole life..
hahah. if you know what I mean =)

So ended up at home... then didn't feel like studying so..
I went to sleep. hahaha.. woke up at 6pm or 5ish. then..
ate dinner.... erm.. went online. played some games...
Holiday's coming really soon. Can't wait =) Can't wait for
29th August. hahaha.. start of the holidays! =)
Well. I didn't watch the ping pong match between sg and Cn.

hahahah... mum was hogging the tv. expectedly sg lost. oh wells.
anw we clinched the silver medal thats really excellent =D woohoo.

Been doodling lately.. haha I'm going to put up a sample of what
I have been doodling. COPYRIGHT yo! =D

I added colour earlier on. looks quite chic. =D
doodled a book also.. bah bah bah =)

[edit monday, 3am] ehhhh studied a bit for fbfun. then ended up what watching the olympics. hahha.. gym! lol. ok anw shall post up the picture of the doodle... of the book i mentioned earlier.

Can't really see much.. bad photo =(
I'm really hungry now. craving for macdonalds =(
but then macdonalds is really really bad for you..

Here's proof. Gosh the fries are the bomb! so many preservatives!
no wonder so addictive =( AH I CANT WAIT FOR SEPT1108. =D
haha. oh wells... Hms hungry.. hungry!!! Roarrr..... wish the hunger
pangs will go away.
Fun Fact: Did you know a average human being can survive one
week solely on water w/o food! =)

Friday, August 15, 2008

10 things to do with flyers.

I was reading a friend's blog (mar) read some part about flyers.. decided to blog what I think you can do with flyers =D haha.. just being random yea. if you cant take random stuff I suggest you skip this post (=

10 things to do with unwanted flyers =)

1. Tear it up into small pieces to make confetti
2. Practise Origami, ( fold hearts for your gf/bf)
3. Fold it into a hat, sword and pretend to be a pirate
4. Scotch-tape it all together and play the shrinking newspaper game
5. Use it to build a house/tunnel for your pet gerbil
6. BONFIRE! ( haha not applicable in SINGAPORE )
7. Correction tape it and use it for writing notes in class ( not advisable )
8. Paper MARCHE! (we all love that don't we? =D )
9. IF there are pictures on the flyers let the creative juices flow (haha vandalise the picture on the flyers)
10. use it as wallpaper (literally, Not advisable)

Thats 10 things you can do with unwanted flyers =)

Okay, last day of school today, STUDY BREAK NOW! and exams begins the week after =S and after that its HOLs (= Meeting up with a few chums =) haha.. yay. long time no see and all. and collecting rui wen's shoe =S haha supposed to be her bday present part 2. but ehhh production look a long time =D haha.. shall take photo and post it once I get it =D

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Retarded day!

Today was really retarded but fun =D and today really made me retardedly happy =D
So the day started of with rht in the morning till 12pm then met gab. followed him home to take his laptop... dots... well and come back to school practically he alighted at his stop then i loop-ed hahahahah.. really stupid and retarded haha.

Shall zoom in on the bus ride:
haha gabriel was super bimbotic.. in the end of the bus ride i called him porky. cause he didn't want me to call him bimbotic of himbotic. hahha. no such thing is porkbotic yea; hahahah... anddddd hes pig trotters too. cant remember how.. hahhahahahaha..

. cause we took from school back to school -.-''' bus uncle must have like DIAO-ED hahahah.... then went library to waste time away till 4pm.. OH I PAID MY" FINE... so retarded I returned the book one day late.. then i went to the counter eh I need to pay a fine. hahahha. blarh blahr blarh how much is it? wellll I paid 10CENTS! and the lady printed a receipt for me O.O Omg pls. super diao... hahah receipt for 10 CENTS..

wells... anw headed to lvl 7 quite retarded haha we couldn't lan.. =( even thought there was wireless lan cause gab never go config. hbahahhha. shyt. so we decided to play against ai. we started at the same time and -AROM. omg... we both tio same hero.. haha night stalker damn funny lar... cause we both 1v3 ai + insane haha we ended up cheating to own =S hahaha. ai+ is really imbah... hahahaha... then after that watched videos while gab played campaign then he went to buy chocolate. hahaha.. then after that.. mar finished then went down meet her at bookshop... blarh blarh blarh

BISTRO CLOSES AT 4.30 we reached at 4.15. O.O haha ended up eating at mensa. hahahhahahhahahaha.. woops. I ate jap. gab ate fish and chips mar ate kway chap annnnddd.. we all ate mango ice =))) shiosk. hahhaha.. then went back bookshop buy stuff look around then went home lor. mar stayed back in school for lecture. bus ride home was very lame then i pangsehed gab for half the ride and went to sit and talk to my friend. hahahahahahha... then we both alighted at bendemer market there( he was gg church) haha then we continued crapping.. O.O then while walking at towner i tripped haha and gab asked what I was doing and I said I'm trying to be lame O.O -.-'''' -______________- day =")" earlier ="D

[edit 8pm] oh yea haha forgot to post up the picture i drew in the lib since i was bored.

haha... gab was the one who suggested the oyster sauce O.O
next time dun scold gab just marinate him! =D

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunny Sunday!

Today, Sunday


haha *applaude*, sat with mar and gab =D

Didn't really pay much attention to homily. haha. .

lunch after that =) hahaha at block 3 with mar, her mum, aunty amy(not sure how to spell) , gab (who came later) and some other guy from emm. (I think) .. hahahha.. oh wells. walked home saw fishes (they were like trying to eat unedible things!!) Went sheng siong. went home. drank a glass of vodka with root beer plus lemon juice ( ratio of 1:4 of vodka: rootbeer) hahahha... then was really sleepy after that. haha also cause not enough sleep. so went sleep. over slept woke up at 3.30pm found out project meeting was at 2pm. =O woops. yea sorry guys thought was at 4pm!!! rushed to tpy reached around 4pm. then... waited for john to come. yeap yeap. did everything... Saw shu yi =) then after that I guess pei-ed xian yong to makan.. hms... ate at kou fu.. then took 31 home. am at home. craving for a humbug. Ok.. was supposed to blog about yesterday but I was seriously so sleepy yesterday that I think I couldnt really remember much =S (didn't sleep friday night)

Ok shall try to remember what happen-ed..


around 3am I packed the living room, 7am played a game of dota. OMG I was so sleepy lar that I broke my techie record!! ( 0,9 ) hahah first time ever usually its (9,0) oh man. hahahahhahah pity my teammates =S hahahahha.. woops then went eat breakfast at blk 3 then came home helped vacumm the living room. (Only did it cause the floor was damn dusty and I wanted to sit down on the floor =X) Then went plaza sing. carefour with brother. hahah. then mark and spencers. then went back home. then back to plaza sing. haha with mar and ky ( we all met on bus 65 =D ) hms.. thennnnn... went collect tickets, I bought 9 pieces salmon sushi =D and a hotdog combo, The 3 bucks one haahah.. (couldn't resist) Money not enough 2, pretty okay I guess.. saw myself walk past in the background ( I earned $40 for just doing that ok!) hahaha... It was funny yet sad and seriously wanted to go bash them up lar. -.-''' (chicken backside treat the mother like that) hms.. so yea... after movie everyone was pretty sleepy... went to bugis to get my bicycle cards ( pastel pink and my chio tragic royalty)

bought the pastal pink at $7

Bought the tragic royalty at $12 =D chio like mad right.

hahahah.. ok walked to bugis junction walked around aimlessly... then dinner at yoshinoya.. showed mar a magic trick.. built er card tower.. hahahahahhahahahahahahhahah..................
ok after that tried to look for a bus back to ps. unfortunately... couldnt find sooo it was back to the train hahaha.. damn funny. some kid bumped into ky then we looked at him then suddenly he shouted "I AM SORRYYY!!!" *dam loudly* omg. hahahahahha.. yea omg. oh wells then back to paradiz for lan!! with gab joining( He PS US LAR... waste one seat in the theatre) haha dota-ed first game was damn dots... 2 strength hero vs agil and int.( strength got upperhand all stunners/disablers haha) anw then after that second game I techie-ed haha got back my reputation =D hahahahhahaha. damn happy.. lol.. really funny also. hahaha. and we won second game. yea.. hms.. after that played aimless games haha... then left paradiz around 10pm reached home.. bathed. slept at 11pm( haha no wonder I can wake up for 9.30am mass lar)

Ok i'm off to eat a humbug (=


created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Visual&PerformingArts

You should strongly consider majoring (or minoring) in the Visual or Performing Arts (e.g., Art, Art Education, Art History, Ceramics, Culinary Arts, Dance, Drawing, Fashion Design, Film, Graphic Design, Interior Design, Marketing (advertising), Music, Music Education, Music Theory, Painting, Photography, Theatre).

It is possible that the best major for you is your 2nd, 3rd, or even 5th listed category, so be sure to consider ALL majors in your OTHER high scoring categories (below). You may score high in a category you didnt think you would--it is possible that a great major for you is something you once dismissed as not for you. The right major for you will be something 1) you love and enjoy and 2) are really great at it.

Consider adding a minor or double majoring to make yourself standout and to combine your interests. Please post your results in your myspace/blog/journal.





























Saturday, August 9, 2008


I havent slept yet. yeaps. okay today was fine.. fun. =))) Happy to be out.
movie around afternoon (money not enough two) then followed by shopping near bugis (buy bicycle DECKS! ) then dinner at bugis junction then to paradize for lan (= Eh I can't remember the details already lar... So sleepy =( Nights!!!

HAPPY NATIONAL DAY! (missed it though =X hahahahha)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Ok. feel much better. eh wah! =) HAPPY NATIONAL DAY IN ADVANCE!

hahah random

Fun Things to Do in a Final That Does Not Matter
1. Bring a pillow. Fall asleep until the last 15 minutes. Wake up, say,
"oh geez, better get cracking," and do some gibberish work. Turn it in
a few minutes early.
2. Get a copy of the exam, run out screaming, "Andre, Andre, I've got the
secret documents!!"
3. If it is a math/science exam, answer in essay form. If it is long
answer/essay form, answer with numbers and symbols. Be creative.
Use the intregral symbol.
4. Make paper airplanes out of the exam. Aim them at the instructor's left
5. Talk the entire way through the exam. Read questions aloud, debate your
answers with yourself out loud. If asked to stop, yell out, "I'm SOOO
sure you can hear me thinking." Then start talking about what a jerk the
instructor is.
6. Bring cheerleaders.
7. Walk in, get the exam, sit down. About five minutes into it, loudly say
to the instructor, "I don't understand ANY of this. I've been to every
lecture all semester long! What's the deal? And who the hell are you?
Where's the regular guy?"
8. Bring a Game Boy and play it with the volume at max level.
9. On the answer sheet find a new, interesting way to refuse to answer every
question. For example: I refuse to answer this question on the grounds
that it conflicts with my religious beliefs. Be creative.
10. Bring pets.
11. Run into the exam room looking about frantically. Breathe a sigh of
relief. Go to the instructor, say, "They've found me, I have to leave
the country," and run off.
12. Fifteen minutes into the exam, stand up, rip up all the papers into very
small pieces, throw them into the air and yell out, "Merry Christmas."
If you're really daring, ask for another copy of the exam. Say you lost
the first one. Repeat this process every fifteen minutes.
13. Do the exam with crayons, paint, or fluorescent markers.
14. Come into the exam wearing slippers, a bathrobe, a towel on your head,
and nothing else.
15. Come down with a BAD case of Turet's Syndrome during the exam. Be as
vulgar as possible.
16. Do the entire exam in another language. If you don't know one, make one up!
For math/science exams, try using Roman numerals.
17. Bring things to throw at the instructor when she/he is not looking.
Blame it on the person nearest to you.
18. As soon as the instructor hands you the exam, eat it.
19. Walk into the exam with an entourage. Claim you are going to be taping
your next video during the exam. Try to get the instructor to let them
stay, and be persuasive. Tell the instructor to expect a percentage of
the profits if they are allowed to stay.
20. Every five minutes, stand up, collect all your things, move to another
seat, and continue with the exam.
21. Turn in the exam approximately 30 minutes into it. As you walk out,
start commenting on how easy it was.
22. Do the entire exam as if it was multiple choice and true/false. If it
is a multiple choice exam, spell out interesting things (DCCAB, BABE,
23. Bring a black marker. Return the exam with all questions and answers
completely blacked out.
24. Get the exam. Twenty minutes into it, throw your papers down violently,
scream out "Fuck this!" and walk out triumphantly.
25. Arrange a protest before the exam starts (i.e. Threaten the instructor
that whether or not everyone's done, they are all leaving after one hour
to go drink).
26. Show up completely drunk. (Completely drunk means at some point during
the exam, you should start crying for mommy).
27. Every now and then, clap twice rapidly. If the instructor asks why, tell
him/her in a very derogatory tone, "the light bulb that goes on above my
head when I get an idea is hooked up to a clapper. DUH!"
28. Comment on how sexy the instructor is looking that day.
29. Come to the exam wearing a black cloak. After about 30 minutes, put on a
white mask and start yelling, "I'm here, the phantom of the opera" until
they drag you away.
30. Go to an exam for a class you have no clue about, where you know the
class is very small, and the instructor would recognize you if you
belonged. Claim that you have been to every lecture. Fight for your
right to take the exam.

31. Upon receiving the exam, look it over, while laughing loudly, say, "you
don't really expect me to waste my time on this drivel? Days of our Lives
is on!!!"
32. Bring a water pistol with you. Nuff said.
33. From the moment the exam begins, hum the theme to Jeopardy. Ignore the
instructor's requests for you to stop. When they finally get you to leave
one way or another, begin whistling the theme to the Bridge on the River
34. Start a brawl in the middle of the exam.
35. If the exam is math/science related, make up the longest proofs you could
possibly think of. Get pi and imaginary numbers into most equations. If
it is a written exam, relate everything you your own life story.
36. Come in wearing a full knight's outfit, complete with sword and shield.
37. Bring a friend to give you a back massage the entire way through the exam.
Insist this person is needed, because you have bad circulation.
38. Bring cheat sheets FOR ANOTHER CLASS (make sure this is obvious...like
history notes for a calculus exam...otherwise you're not just failing,
you're getting kicked out too) and staple them to the exam, with the
comment, "Please use the attached notes for references as you see fit."
39. When you walk in, complain about the heat. Strip.
40. After you get the exam, call the instructor over, point to any question,
and ask for the answer. Try to work it out of him/her.
41. One word: Wrestlemania.
42. Bring balloons, blow them up, start throwing them around like they do
before concerts start.
43. Try to get people in the room to do the wave.
44. Play frisbee with a friend at the other side of the room.
45. Bring some large, cumbersome, ugly idol. Put it right next to you. Pray
to it often. Consider a small sacrifice.
46. Get deliveries of candy, flowers, balloons, telegrams, etc. sent to you
every few minutes throughout the exam.
47. During the exam, take apart everything around you--desks, chairs,
anything you can reach.
48. Complete the exam with everything you write being backwards at a 90
degree angle.
49. Bring a musical instrument with you, play various tunes. If you are asked
to stop, say, "it helps me think." Bring a copy of the Student Handbook
with you, challenging the instructor to find the section on musical
instruments during finals. Don't forget to us the phrase, "Told you so."
50. Answer the exam with the "Top Ten Reasons Why Professor xxxx Sucks."

1.) Jokes http://www.jokes2go.com/lists/list2.html Last accessed: 8th August 2008.


Same old thing its close 3am and I gotta wake up at 8.30am and yet... brr im not asleep yet. anw.. today was kinda of productive =) Anw a new addition to the extended family. Congrats to my cousin for a baby boy (= Saw the baby today. really cute. hahaha... oh wells. hms anw.. learnt some interesting facts as well =D but promised not to tell anyone so yea. hahahahhaha.. maybe when I'm not a student at TP anymore =P hms.. Oh yea I twisted a roadrunner outta balloons been 3 years or so since I last twisted the road runner. =O. Okay lar took me a while to remember =))) turned out pretty nice.

Hms Looking for holiday part=time job during September holidays! like maybe 3 times a week kind thing? or 4 times a week, inclusive of one weekend or two. hahaha.... pay must be like $6/hr like that . hahah.. oh wells.. I will apply for jobs soon =S LOL... pfft...

Omg 3am its an ungodly hour for a person who has to be awake at 8am. =S

Random snippet by venassa*

3 blind mice!
3 blind mice
see how they run! see how they run!
dunno how they dun run into walls!
and cats really cannot claw.
3 blind mice
3 blind mice!

Director: "Ok lar mice you can stop acting blind already" =P


Welcome to another episode of food for thought with VENASSA (=

Here's a mind boggling question If Plastic Surgery was free and painless would you do it?
Would you change your heritage to European and then deny you are Chinese? Plastic surgery
unfortunately is still a very controversial topic and it will spark a great variety of reactions.
Some might say what difference does it make to have Plastic surgery? As long as you are happy right?
Others beg to differ. Saying plastic surgery is a facade, so fake, so plastic after all we all want the real thing don't we?

Here's my take on doing plastic surgery, If you wanna do it then you gotta be ready to take criticisms and even more if you are doing it for fame... You should be ready to take the bad publicity if the news ever come out. You must be prepared to face the music (= If you are too
coward to face the music. You can hide for a long period of time but when you come out you still have to face the music.

For Dawn yang's case. I would say I have no right to judge, she knows what she has done and what she have not.. If she innocent she should have nothing to worry about, why threaten a law suit as if she has something to hide? Why get xiaxue to remove all posts she wrote? Isnt that hinting some truth in xiaxue's posts? Anyway.. the truth will be the truth and I believe in Karma. Lets see whats the outcome of the blogwar between them (=

Thats all for food for thought with VENASSA

On a serious note Its way past bed time for tonight. =( I'm off to dream land! tooodles! <3

Thursday, August 7, 2008

screwed to max.

I am still awake close 5am in the morning and I got tutorial( YEA TUTORIAL) at 12pm. screwed. luckily its only for 2hrs. =S Roar I am totally so sleepy and tired and yea I cant sleep.. Been having weird dreams the past few days. Like seriously. random thoughts coming together to form a dream = a nightmare O.O

Imagine This scenario: Eating bah kwa in the toilet then hanhock blasts through your toilet's floor. Nope that wasnt one of my dreams but something along that line =S I woke up thinking What the hell after each one and the thing is each dream even though seeming impossible seemed so real!!!

Anw its time for food for thought with VENASSA (=
Oil and water, Do you think Oil and Water can mix?

If they are only oil and water nope. But with the right equipment, Yes.
"If you first remove any gas that is dissolved in the water, it will mix spontaneously and even stay that way indefinitely" (http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn3408-oil-and-water-do-mix-after-all.html)

So like similiarly in friendships, some of you might describe you and your friend as oil and water. Totally cannot mix together. But then if you take away the discord(gas in oil and water scenario) you guys can mix and stay that way indefinitely!

Just a little scenario. haha sometimes the gas refuses to be removed... soo.. that means you are not using the right equipment =))

Thats all folks for food for thought with VENASSA tune in next time for more!


Initially this blogpost was supposed to be a short and sweet one. however it churning out to be a pretty long one. Oh yea gotta return the escoffier book back to the library soon!! (= Shall return it tomorrow I guess. hahahahaha.... If i remember =) Its kinda due monday 11th august. =S Oh yea I need to return cheeyee her notes as well Thanks for lending me your notes =P =DDD
Oh yea anyone wanna study with me? Lol In church? =S or in school? Leave me a message! I need to start studying!! =(

Okay Shall end with some jokes

Joke one:

A mental hospital
After hearing that one of the patients in a mental hospital had saved another from a suicide attempt by pulling him out of a bathtub, the hospital director reviewed the rescuer's file and called him into his office.
"Mr. Haroldson, your records and your heroic behavior indicate that you're ready to go home. I'm only sorry that the man you saved later killed himself with a rope around the neck.""Oh, he didn't kill himself," Mr. Haroldson replied. "I hung him up to dry."

Joke two:

Bring riches with youThere once was a rich man who was near death. He was very grieved because he had worked so hard for his money and he wanted to be able to take it with him to heaven. So he began to pray that he might be able to take some of his wealth with him.An angel hears his plea and appears to him. "Sorry, but you can't take your wealth with you." The man implores the angel to speak to God to see if He might bend the rules.The man continues to pray that his wealth could follow him. The angel reappears and informs the man that God has decided to allow him to take one suitcase with him. Overjoyed, the man gathers his largest suitcase and fills it with pure gold bars and places it beside his bed.Soon afterward the man dies and shows up at the Gates of Heaven to greet St. Peter. St. Peter seeing the suitcase says, "Hold on, you can't bring that in here!"But, the man explains to St. Peter that he has permission and asks him to verify his story with the Lord. Sure enough, St. Peter checks and comes back saying, "You're right. You are allowed one carry-on bag, but I'm supposed to check its contents before letting it through."St. Peter opens the suitcase to inspect the worldly items that the man found too precious to leave behind and exclaims, "You brought pavement?!!!"

ARgh chicken back side heart burn im off to sleep

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


blarh blarh blarh, Ok I feel so sleepy and pissed off.

Let me blog about three char. of best friends.

1.) They love you no matter what
2.) They do not talk behind your back
3.) They are always there when you need them <3

I love my friends (=
Even though I never said it before. I love you guys many many!
Thanks for me there for me when I feel so shitty and for enduring
all my lame shit.


I just spammed gabriel's sng tagboard. HAHAHAHAHA... sorry
was bored. =P and it was fun.

hahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahhahahahah im so BOREDDD...

oh yea heres a couple of random things i bought today:

1.) one whole packet of coloured paper ( For no reason)
2.) one box of markers ( For no reason)
3.) Fake NAILS (even more no reason)
4.) Black nail polish ( Even even more no reason)
5.) Balloons ( random)
6.) Balloon/ Bicycle/ Ball pump (random)
7.) 2 new deck of aladdin cards ( one red one blue)
8.) Pen knife ( no reason)
9.) colour thick ear sticks
10.) ear studs
11.) hair band thingy
12.) Nai polish remover

YEA and like all totally waste money de cause I just bought them for fun. aha I glued all the fake nails together to form a tower and then painted it black. Ohkay the rest are actually items that I might use lar. hahahah. Tried out the new decks that I bought super smooth. and the cut is good (= yay. haha can throw away my old decks. (jking, can use to learn springing)

I just felt like bloggin cause I was so bored and I had to STOP spamming sng's tagboard. hahahhahahahahahha =P Yea lunch soon! come on lets battle sem exams first! TO WAR PEOPLE! <3

Oh yea you Know I really despise her ( let your imagination run wild!!!)
it could be plastic queen.. or who ever think it is =D
She is not on my links btw. hahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahah <3

Monday, August 4, 2008

Praise the lord. econ's presentation was good =) The best so far =))) Tmr's commskill mock presentation im ready I think hahaha.. okay dinner time. but no dinner =( Ok i'll off to cook (stop gasping. lol I can cook lorh) hahahahah. seriously. try my herbal chicken drumlets! =) (not the play cheat type hor, that come in packets) MINE IS FROM SCRATCH! (=

Sunday, August 3, 2008


EDIT[] haha video removed =P

omg omg. is it true?

OMG I FINALLY FINISHED MY COUNTRY ANALYSIS CORRECTLY AND MY TWO NEWSPAPER ARTICLE ANALYSIS! SO HAPPY LAR. O.O omg. I wanna go bang wall and die already. ok left ppt slides to finish! and presentation tmr!! ROAR... hms ok im off to prepare for mass. lol. =S haha EH guys victor's kitchen soon~ =)

die already. you know after staying up till 6am yesterday doing econs i found out today I DID EVERYTHING WRONG! So i am redoing it now. I redid one already =( left the personal inflation one. omg blur is not good. =((( No need sleep already. SAD lar. and I'm not done with country analysis. ok back to proj!

Saturday, August 2, 2008


haha today I had FUN!!! =)))
haha woke up late haha. like met them at 12.45pm
cause i slept at 6am. (projects =( )
haha first was LUNCH at HOT tomato! (Plaza Singapura)

The steak wasnt cook properly. we ordered was MEDIUM WELL!
what came was MEDIUM OR medium rare.
haha thank goodness I'm fine with blood in my food.
King prawns were TINY. =( but ok lar yi fen qian yi fen huo.
lol haha Gabriel was so comical during lunch. =D
At first he took his soup spoon and put it into his drink cup.
and he didnt know!!! hahahaha...then he dropped his chicken
into his tomato soup. hahaha.. super comical.. =D

ohkay lar after that me and mar were playing with the food
hahah what left of the horrible tasting pasta. hahaha....
and prawn shell and sauce etc.

anw watched the movie THE MUMMY (= before that shopped
a bit. hahahah.. then after the movie went parkmall (long story)
then after that errr. went paradiz played AUDITION!
omg I still can play!! and CHANCE 185!!! oh yea we dota-ed
like 2v1 (gab) hahah. super funny. i sui bian whack item build.
lollolol critical was WOOHOO...

hahahah.. oh wells.
after that tapao-ed macs and went home
YEA man.. last bit of econs proj to finish!!! YEA.. (=
OH YEA... I am happy like cow. hahahahhahahahahahha...
MAR SEND ME PICS PLS =D the ones of gab being blur also =D

I'm so sleepy and tired.

I just emailed xian yong the two personal articles I was supposed to do. I AM SO DEAD I DUNNOE HOW TO DO THE COUNTRY ANALYSIS!!! I got the data though =) Tonight's session was interesting i guess. confirmation planning meeting went okay as well. Yassin after that was great too I couldn't finish half my beehoon goreng though luckily kath. helped me with it =) ANW... I'm so sleepy and tired. =( The smoke from the ghost festival is choking up my lungs =( I hate the smoke it makes my throat feel irritated and my lung feels fuzzy.. ANW... I found out a new way of shuffling cards w/o riffling it =P Happy like cow!

And I just hit a relisation. My jokes are super corny =( But I havent eaten corn in a while. so why is it still corny?? Anw looking forward to tomorrow!!! and I have decided I am not going on sunday (= cause I don't feel like it. hms..

Friday, August 1, 2008

I do stupid things

check out my awesome cool lighter with my name on it =)))
awesome right. yea awesome