Thursday, July 31, 2008

(= I'll let go some day.

I wrote a song.

Unclear singing. I'm not a singer. I like writing songs though.

anw was kinda mumbling the lyrics so i'll post both the video and lyrics

Dedicated to you know who you are.

but you will never read/see this.

Let me hold on for 2 more days I'll promise

I'll let go.

Blue skies, birds are singing
The words you said are ringing
My eyes are swollen from crying
My heart is overflowing
My tears seem never-ending
My soul is not willing
How can I let go?

We were never meant to be,
It’s just a hopeful part from me.
I was meant to love you but
Then you wouldn’t love me
It’s my fault my heart is broken
Because I loved the wrong person
Please tell me how to let go



btw for all those who don't believe I have a fringe. I DO!!!

hahaha.. my fringe can be styled in different ways. =)

wanna see bangs?

yea hahha =) look so china dollish. i prefer picture one. (=

yea that was super random =P

too bad my hairstyle in school is pinned back with hairband (=

of course in school my hair is tied up lar. haha i look pretty diff with specs (=
too bad lazy to wear contacts =)))

This might be the end.. but its okay

I finally did something I was too afraid to do so since 7 years ago. Kudos to me for doing that. sorry I can't live without telling you. At least I told you =) I now await the rejection.

Oh man my brother finished my nutella =( I am so heartbroken. mummy says she will buy a big bottle tmr. =D hahahahahah. dangs. Oh yea FB PROJECT ALMOST DONE! LAST PART!!! COMEON! and POM PRESENTATION! JYJY GROUP 4! we can DO IT!!! (=

On a random note I haven't drank vodka in a long long time or chilled out. just sitting somewhere dark or at the beach with the sky as a backdrop.. sipping vodka mixed with ribena..

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


FGI. =(

oh yea deadlines to meet once more! but its almost finished! tmr's intht TEST! die already ok off to mug


Hello people.

sending out invitations for an impromptu gathering during sept holidays!! (=
please reply emails thanks!! *refer to email for more details*

oh yea FINALLY got the damn Auguste book. =) Its been hell editing and editing I designed a nice menu as well (= I'm not done editing yet. Finished editing and adding more dishes to the mains, appretizers, soups, deserts and drinks and beverages. So many recipes so hard to choose!! =(
Oh yea I'll come up with a short salad list as well better not put under appretizers haha later kena jack. suan whatever by teacher. -.-'''

Been so sleepy these few days =( Sleepy bug got me! so tempted to pon commskills!!! LOL.. 11am commskills. slap me please. thanks you.
oh yea im still a facebook noob and i only have 29 friends on facebook which is pathetic compared to my 330 friends on friendster. =( please friends join facebook =P hahahahhaha.. like my brother is the only person writing on my wall and I accidently spammed him 3 plants. *noob yea* yea. of course.
ok looking forward to weekends (=

Monday, July 28, 2008


must credit me if you rip =D

P is for pretty stupid
R is for really dumb
O is for octopus
J is for Just for " fun"

P-R-O-J-E-C-T is so fun.

P stands for PAIN IN THE NECK
R Stands for reluctance
O stands for Odd like hell
J stands for jigsaw puzzle
of course with a missing piece!!!

haha. was bored. and pissed off with projects. =) hahaha as you can tell im anti project now. =))) gotta complete them! yea. projects were designed to kill. I JUST DESIGNED THE MENU! looks so cool =P to me lar. hahahha. at least. and I'm still such a facebook noob. hahahahhahahahaha... POKE ME PPL! SEND ME PLANTS! YEA!!! =))))) hahaha. lol. facebook was created by some random people( no pun intended, if you even get my lingo)

Hopefully we'll get the projects done pronto!! (=
oh yea got a pimple outbreak got it since i cut my fringe.
haha i nvr let my fringe down when im outside though.
too hot!!! =P I wished it would snow in singapore. (=

Okay on to my boring life sumpah. wanted to come for 9.30am mass. couldnt wake up. haha. so i served 6pm mass instead. lol. confirmation mass. pretty much the usuals. haha... grats to Andre, Clayton, Denise and Timothy for getting confirmed( from yw) Grats to the rest as well (= (long list) hahaa... didnt stay long. went home straight after mass... eh ate dinner. did menu design yeap yeaps.

Oh yea baka! I tried to smile at you lor I AM NOT DAO. (=, =D yea im not dao. serious. hahah.
I want more dinner outings during september holidays!!!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

this is damn zzz... ROAR. I will find a way out. yes.
stupid auguste.
yea we are back with him. ROARRR...

haha eggciting.

seriously I was so sleepy. hahah.
eyes were like barely opened.
surprisingly I finished everything
in good time =D hahha i just added
superpoke and random ppl are poking me
on face book O.O =D haha FEED ME ON FACEBOOK! =)
haha oh yea i still suck at facebook.
im like a total noob. haha sorry if i dun poke back =P
im poking back now. =P POKEME!!!

oh yea after that went makan opp school with
sabrina and xianyong. super full. =)
then nlb. found out that auguste book is
NOT THERE! panic-ed. then the group
decided to change cuisine. (= hope
that Mr chia dun scold. damn irritating lar.
hahahaha.. =S eh shopp-ed. kinda.
i bought random useless stuff =P
from Bras basar =)) bought fabric paint
from artfriends. =P hahahha. dots. walked
to PS. then home on bus 65.

will prob be able to wake up tmr i think. cause i'll sleep
early today. cause im so sleepy.. =S hahahhaha...
TMR. chiong project!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Can't fall asleep. and theres a commskill test at 9.30am. =( then pw after that. sigh. im speechless I guess. yea go read my private blog those who has access its abt plastic queen blogger.(= 14 more days. (=
come on. I CAN DO IT!! (=


Thursday, July 24, 2008

kope off mar's blog

1.If you had to choose death by an elephant or a lion, which would you choose?
ehhh.. got elephant or lion roaming singapore meh? You think madagascar arh. hahahah...
excape into the wild. unfortunately for that lion or elephant singapore isn't exactly the wild. hahahha...

2.If you were stranded on an island with the one person you couldn't stand, what would you do?
Eh since I cannot stand I sit lor.. hahah I'll go to sleep =)

3.The doorbell rings, it's the pizza man. You didn't order pizza. What do you say?
Is this paid for already? If it isnt you got the wrong house! =D

4.If the President said that grass couldn't be green anymore and everyone needed to vote on a new color, what color would you choose?
Eh I'll choose GREEN! *gives bimbotic blonde smile* Isn't green a new colour? *smile summore*. okok dammit. LIGHT GREEN. *gives a bimbotic blonde smile*

5.You're with your friends at the movies when all of the sudden ninjas fall from the ceiling. What do you do?
Eh take a picture and post it on stomp/newspaper. IMAGINE THE HEADLINES! Its raining ninjas!! boy wouldn't I get FAMOUS! (=

6.Is Barney your favorite dinosaur?
Ehh.. He is purple. He's gay. haha.. barney's GAY!!!!
in a good way.

7.Why are baby cats called kittens but baby lions are called cubs?
` cause the lion mama looked at her babies and say CUP(b)S AND SAUCER PANS! BOY ARE THEY !@#@! (viewer discretion) ugly. *jking yea* unfortunately the papa lion hear the first word only.

8.If you were President for the day, what's one thing you would do?
` I'll go explore mars. (=

9.If you could create a new world, what would it consist of?

10.If NASA found it to be safe to live on Mars, would you go?
Yea. If its FREE! (= and like if earth died.

11.It's late. You're home alone. You hear something creepy. You're scared to move, but your phone is next to you. Who do you call?
EH hehe. I guess a few of you know WHO I would call. =D unfortunately it remains a secret. (=

12.If you had to choose between working at a junk yard or a truck stop, which would you choose?
junk yard. so cool so many old things. maybe i'll find myself eh some treasure map!

13.Is love really a battlefield?
battlefield: blood, gore, war, hatred, hurt pain.
dramatic irony: love is like a battlefield and yet the opposite of a battle field.

14.Have you ever eaten a rotten apple?
eh no.. I ate a rotten peanut before. Don;t ask.

15.If online dating was the only way to find a date, what website would you choose?
comission fees at affordable rates of $1m per sucessful match.
no money back gurantee!

16.Ever made up a crazy story and told it to someone who actually believed it?
bahahah durh.. super a lot of stories please. hahaha... shhh!! It was kinda realistic?

17.If you could be on any TV show, what would it be?
DEAL OR NO DEAL *money minded* haha. or...
the taiwan jacky wu show =D japan hour is good too.

18.If all schooling and salaries were the same, would you rather be a teacher, lawyer, astronaut or actor?
I wanna go to mars. serious. outer space has so many secrets.
so is earth the only planet that supports life?

19.Would you rather have a pet skunk or pet porcupine?
` porcu without the pine(s) =D

20.If you could decide the happenings of tomorrow,what would they be?
EH... I will win $1B DOLLARS! woohoo.

westlife-my love

An empty street, an empty house
a hole inside my heart
I'm all alone, the rooms are getting smaller
I wonder how, i wonder why
I wonder where they are
The days we had, the songs we sang together
O yea..

And oh my love, I'm holdin on forever
Reaching for the love that seems so far

So I say a little prayer
And hope my dreams will take me there
where the skies are blue
to see you once again my love
over seas from coast to coast
to find the place I love the most
where the fields are green
to see you once again...my love...

I try to read, I go to work
I'm laughin with my friends
but i cant stop to keep myself from thinking..
oh no
I wonder how I wonder why
I wonder where they are
the days we had, the songs we sang together
oh yeah...

And oh my love I'm holdin on forever
Reaching for the love that seems so far

So I say a little prayer
And hope my dreams will take me there
where the skies are blue
to see you once again my love
over seas from coast to coast
to find the place I love the most
where the fields are green
to see you once again...

To hold you in my arms
to promise you my love
to tell you from my heart
your all I'm thinkin of

I'm reachin for a love that seems so far...

So I say a little prayer
And hope my dreams will take me there
where the skies are blue
to see you once again my love
over seas from coast to coast
to find the place I love the most
where the fields are green
to see you once again..
My Love

I say a little prayer
my dreams will take me there
where the skies are blue
to see you one again
over seas from coast

Officially one of my favourite songs. (= same reasons why teardrops on my guitar is also one of my favourite songs... I miss the good old days. I don't want the old to go for the new to come!!! I agree I have made many friends in tp. which includes accion and 1h06. but I constantly feel that I have drifted from my other friends. Since I hardly go for 9.30am mass anymore nor turn up at church often other than 6pm mass. and early morning buffets are really hard for me to keep. and Maybe it cause off...

I really have grown on 6pm masses and I dislike 9.30am masses. Why? I don't really know. maybe its the crowd and cause I'll see people I don't really wish to see. Or maybe cause its too early. Maybe its not I can't wake up but I don't want to. But even if I can't attend 6pm mass I'll attend 5.30pm mass NEVER 9.30am anymore. Yea I think its the crowd(no pun intended). Forgive but never forget. sorry for such an emo post.

I want to eat thai express and sushi tei!!! anyone interested??? jio me yea hahaha.. but thai express must wait till my cough is okay =) I'm better but still coughing a little hahahaha...

hms anw exams are coming soon!! holidays starts after 28th august!! (= *grinz* hopefully can arrange for a night stake out at east coast park with the usuals. haha. or at least a bbq. or gathering =) wahahaha.

Monday, July 21, 2008

A very interesting day.. haha..

haha I totally screwed up my commskills mock test. Wasnt thinking today. Couldnt get the message and purpose of the passage. hahahha... other than that yea... hms lucky its mock. oks so had dinner with xy at biz park. haha then i happily headed home. and realised i locked myself out of the house again and nobody was there to let me in. =( mom was at lessons. so yea. i went to cousin's house. hahah just opp the road. I used his wireless haha.. then we dota-ed. hahahah. ok lar not bad. 3 matches. with breaks inbetween. (= Last game eh the plug came loose so.. hahah dc-ed oh wells.. haha then finally made my way home around 9.30pm however mom's not back so i camped outsife my hse. hahahahha in the common corridor. hahah oh wells. finally got home. bathed and all. yeaps...

ok online project meeting at 11pm (=

It got me thinking..

projects that are done: inthim, comskill, pom, rht. (=
projects left: fbfun and econs.

Oh yea I'm feeling tons better =D I took a walk to farrer park this afternoon to pass project stuff to xy. The walk was good =) however I train-ed back cause it was going to rain =D I bought a few stuff from uncle yaps. Eh acylic paint and Aladdin playing cards from USA. I think it is really not bad =D Its quite a good deck for magic. and its only $3. However its not air cushioned =S oh wells. but its not bad for tricks =D

Went for 6pm mass. fell asleep during homily. couldnt help it medicine made me damn drowsy.
fr peter kept staring at me luh.

Ohkay.. so later on I have commskill mock test. =( I haven't studied. and then have the mock presentation thingy also.. roar.

I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects! I hate projects!
(REPEAT X 10000000 infinity)

The old must go for the new to come. I finally understand this saying.. well in my context. as we go on.. we remember all the times we had together... i'll cherish those memories...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

quiz !!! =)

Tag 5 people to do: MAR, KY, GAB, XIANYONG, ESTHER

1.)What is your dream?
To be sucessful in life.

2.) If you had one hour to live what would you do?
I would do something I would never have dared to do my entire life.

3.) If you won a million dollars what would you do?
I would move into retirement. =)

4.) If your life could be a movie what movie would you like it to be?
I want it to be WANTED. (=

5.) Name something that describes life.( could be anything)
Orange. sometimes sweet, sometimes sour.
but its good for you cause it has loads of Vit C.
sometimes sour could be pleasent as well.

6.)Do you regret something?

7.) What is your prized possession?
my acous. guitar and my laptop.

8.) What are your hobbies?
gaming, playing the guitar, magic.

9.) Name one weird eccentric thing about yourself.
I can be very random.

10.) What is your favourite song?
teardrops on my guitar.

Put your playlist on shuffle.
Press the >> button for each #.
Don't cheat!

#What you want in life
Church *step up two soundtrack*

#Love of your life
Just fine by mary

#Wedding Song
you'll always be mine

#School graduation song
How six songs collide.

#you feel sad
The pretenders

#Your funeral song
I'm not missing you by Stacie


oh yea if you were wondering who created this dumb quiz? I DID. hahahha.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

I hate projects!

I hate projects!!! I HATE HATE HATE PROJECTS! esp when they give it to us all in the same period of time =((( I'm still coughing but its better then before. I feel very exhausted. =( I can't eat my favourite food for the time being I'm sad =( I spent the whole afternoon staring at SPSS. I wanna murder the person who invented SPSS =( I took a break and watched a movie with mar gab and ky. dark knight not before having a hearty dinner ( for me) at sakae sushi =D

failure to make the star
yay heheh.

haha unglam ness gab is gonna kill me

Seriously I still think it looks like gab just vomitted out that plate of yummy food =S
hahahahhaha.. active imagination.
haha because of the awkward sitting and placement of my laptop couldnt take a proper group picture =DDDD
I ATE UNAGI DON THINGY it was quite shiosk =D even though the serving was small the portion of unagi was generous (= I ate egg maki too =D hahaha.. ah im so sleepy. oh yea i didnt serve healing mass. I cant even catch people. LOL rather ppl catch me =S Hope I get well soon!!!!!

haha quiz

1.) What does your URL mean?
-Theauthenticflavour. eh actually its just some random thing
I though of =D I was drinking green tea. (There wrote brewed from authentic tea leaves i think hahaha.)

3) How many tags do you have?+++
eh many many =)

4) What's your current relationship status?+++
Ok relationship with husband drifting apart.
Never touched him for so long. HAHA it sounds so frigging wrong.
MY husband is MY guitar btw. (acous)

5) Are you happy today?+++
Eh I never clap my hands leh. so what you think?
( *melody*If you are happy and you know it clap your hands!*melody*)

6) Who will cut and paste this first?+++
Eh whoever got scissors and glue lor.

7) Someone with the same birthday as you?+++
Eh Joel Tan. hahahahhahaha.. 23r NOV! yea man.
Great people were born on that day! *cough* hehs

8) Are you mean?+++
Yea I'm mean. Really mean =) haha I am really mean.
why you dun believe sia. =( I AM MEAN LOR. hahahah...

9) Have you ever sang in front of a large audience?
yea. a few occasions. once was P3 hahaha...
another was like 2 years back teaching the children
how to sign the b-i-b-l-e song during camp =)

10) Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?+++

11) Current song you're listening?+++

ni na me ai ta ( you love him that much* chinese*)

12) Is your birthday on a holiday?+++

IT was like for past 16 years of my life.
I think its not anymore =(

13) Have you ever been rushed to the emergency room?+++
eh i think so? Can't remember. I think I had asthma or something.
Eh got rush meh. Ok lar I think have. hahaha.

14) Person who texted you.+++
Yuan hui, xian yong about project!!!

15) Talk on the phone.+++
eh xian yong about project =)

16) Last person you hugged?+++
MY bolster.

17) Person you text a msg?+++
Xian yong, yuan hui, timothy, john. about project lorh.

18) Last song you heard?+++
haha change song already lar the playlist.
eh driveaway.

19) What are you doing right now?+++

20) Tonight.+++
TONIGHT Is my last night.

22) What did you have for lunch?
Eh nvr really ate lunch..

23) Got any plans?+++
eh yea. finish all the bloody projects. and

24) Dislikes about tomorrow.+++
So many things to do so little time!! =(

25) Do you have to work?+++
Yea I have school work. home work. (=

26) Thinking about someone.+++
Not really too tired to think about that someone.

27) Missing someone.+++
been missing that someone for really long though (=

28) Current mood?+++

30) Are you listening to music?
yea. =)

32) What were you doing at noon today?

33) Has anyone ever sang or played music for you personally?
eh idk.. my laptop plays music for me personally all the time =)
OH YEA someone did sing to me. hahaha.

34) Ever wanted to be a teacher?+++
If I wanted an early death I would apply (=

35) Forgive people?+++
I forgive but I don't forget =)
Its hard to forget most of the time.
but if you say sorry I forgive you =)

37) What do your cousins call you?
Really depends which cousins.
older cousins from mum side: NESSA (sounds like NEHH SAAA)
younger cousins from mum side: vennypoo
cousins my age: ven ( sounds like van)

Cousin from dad side: venassa. =)

38) Has anyone ever told you they like you more than a friend?+++
Yea. =) hahahahahahha...

39) Name one cute celebrity?

41) Favorite ice-cream?
ehhh a lot leh.
cookie dough(B&J)
macadamia (SWENSENS)
mochi icecream

42) Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?+++
Yes. I believe that everything happens for a reason. I also believe in Karma.

43) What's the weirdest thing you've heated up in the microwave?+++
Eh hehe you sure u wanna know? I didn't exactly heat it up i kinda boiled it.
haha i made hardboiled eggs using the micro wave =D

44) Do you fall for people easily?+++
haha i got loads of eye candy ( eh now not really already)
ehhh but when I really fall for someone I fall hard. (=

45) Has anyone disappointed you recently?+++

46) Do best friends support you no matter what?
eh yea.. they try to talk me out but in the end they still support me (=

47) Any plans next summer?+++
eh hibernate.

Name 8 people to do this quiz: anyone on my friendster =D

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Officially super sick..

This morning was really bad. Woke up. Mouth was so dry.. cough-ed out phlegm.
IT WAS DARK brown O.O took a panadol. cough out more phlegm it was dark green
this time. O.O. sheesh. bought a pack of strepsils to last me through the rht test..
I think i kinda flunked it anw. then after that lunch then went see doctor.
IT WAS A BOMB! I TELL YOU. I paid a total of $52. O.O I am now on inhaler.
chicken backside. I damn broke now. =( Should have gone to the poly clinic.. but no.
I went to 18clinic at towner. =S At first i estimated the bill to be $30 lor. O.o
Its the anti biotics and inhaler that cost me the bomb =S Pray that I get well soon!
Medicine's making feel so sleepy. I took a nap.
NOW GOT FEVER. roar. =(

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I'm really having a bad day.. Ok not really bad but its kinda a mixed of both good and bad... my nose is killing me. I feel so sleepy. My zinc bag's strap broke on the way to school so i transferred everything into my laptop bag and now its so frigging heavy!!! I am early for PW... supposed to meet them at 11am. =S My nose is killing me.... really killing me.... =(

Monday, July 14, 2008

Oh sunny days..

I'm like in the school lab now. hahaha. like my laptop is on and so is the school computer. hohohoh.. yawns econs ended early. just finished keying in the spss shyt thingy. im off to rush commskills report (= ahhaha will edit this post later :)

[edit] now is 8.30pm im in the school's lib now. decided to stay till 9pm (((=
hehe i love tp lvl 7 lib!!! haha i met accion in the library too. hahaha.. really funny.
ok lar i finished my comm skills report already. hms..I'm so sleepy..
I feel like eating macadamia nuts! =S

I shall end with a joke.
Teacher: Tell me a sentence that starts with an "I".
Student: I is the....
Teacher: Stop! Never put 'is' after an "I". A
lways put 'am' after an "I".
Student: OK. I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.

Saturday, July 12, 2008



ok so i like didnt really wake up to go to ij with mar. psps. so i slept till 11.15am then realised I WAS LATE! for lunch date with mar, gab, mel. O.O hahahahah.. =))) Went T3 Cafe. yea.. shiosk lar. haha starwars monopoly. I swear I suck at that game hahaha... I ATE... chicken bolg. and wedges =))) then at 1.35pm like that. paid the bill and left for toa payoh =) Gab pei-ed me till my grp mates came. hahahahah... then went MACs. went lib. then after that.... home. at around 4.20pm. (=

I ATE DURIAN AND GUAVA FOR DINNER. I'm super tired. eh shyt. i no wardens uniform leh. hahaha. i used the shirt for my presentation :( HOW SIA?!?!

Behold... My Future
I will marry B.
After a wild honeymoon, We will settle down in SG in our fabulous House.
We will have 7 kid(s) together.
Our family will zoom around in a black van.
I will spend my days as a farmer, and live happily ever after.
whats your future

I played the mash game again. HAHA. I put stupid answers for the blanks.
The names are in code. hehe to protect MY privacy =D

super hilarious please. =D
anw meeting mar at 9.15am time to sleep soon.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Singapore is too hot for cold jokes!

I actually wanted to post a nc16 joke here. hahha. decided not to =S hehe.
hehe it was a cold joke. btw. nvm

heres a funny joke. hahhaa.

Bonja Bonja

Three men were hiking through the jungle. All of a sudden a tribe of natives surrounded them, kidnapped them and hauled them to their village. Bound, they were brought before the chief, and the entire village. The chief stood up and said: "you each have the choice death or bonja bonja, if you choose bonja, bonja you will live". Man number one thought to himself well I don't want to die, I just got married. So he chose bonja, bonja. The chief smiled. The entire male half of the tribe ran up and bum rushed him. Man number one, although barely able to walk, surrvived. Man number two, although horrified, thought to himself I can't die, I just won the lottery and have every opportunity in the world, and look man number one survived. So boldly he declared "I choose bonja, bonja!". Once again all the males ran up behind him and had their way. In tears man number two hobbled away, in pain but alive. It is now man number three's turn, he is puking in complete disgust and thinking to himself no WAY, not me. Anything but that, even death would be better than that! He turns looks the cheif straight in the eye and says "I choose death!" The chief chuckles to himself and says" Alright DEATH...........BY BONJA, BONJA!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

It hurts so much..

I had a dream.. I swear it was so weird. I keep having dreams about you. Too bad I haven't talked to you seem what ages. When we meet each other on the streets or in places that we usually go to, we both look the other way. pretending we don't know each other.I never felt this heartache i felt this morning for a very long time. I stopped myself from thinking of you. I thought i succeeded. 2 months of school.. I didn't think of you at all. probably cause i was too tired and busy to do so. Now I'm finally settled down in school. I cant help but think of you. because of the stupid dream I went to school with a heavy heart and was grouchy at first due to the lack of sleep.. so to prevent myself from scowling i stoned. =S

Stoned halfway through commskills. really blocked out that the teacher was saying about oral presentation. before i knew it lesson was over then came apel. which really cheered me up. cause of the funny videos and all =)then came fbfun. it was kinda terrible. He looked at some other group's learning issues. they had 3 pages.. and he went "Thats it?" omg. I freaked out. seriously my group before lesson had only what half a page??? blarh blarh blarh. he lectured us. made me feel like a total idiot. like seriously. fgi. I was back feeling moody again. hms =(

anw bro left for aussie for 2 weeks. O.O Hope he brings some gum back for me. =) tmr I am going for lecture. well the rht one. =S. bummer. then group discussion after. till 4pm. yeaps. presentation on thurs. =S mixed feelings. I want to get it over and done with!!! roar.
eh someone cheer me up please. I need some cheering up. stupid dream made my heart feel so heavy. however I don't classify it under nightmares. you never kept your word..

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Mr pras showed us this during apel. hahaha. super funny. =D
she's actually singing Can't live.(ie. ken lee)
hahahahah... =D

Monday, July 7, 2008

Monday Blues

decided to be super random and list out facts about me.
that you may or may not know =)))

I love sleeping. I love dreaming.
I like dogs a lot. esp golden retrievers and lola the church dog <3 oh and LJ and snowy.
I like sitting in a quiet aircon place for very long.
I like surfing wikipedia.
I like shopping.
I am damn kaepo. everything must find out de. (ie. was there life on mars?)
I like japanese food.
I dislike backstabbers.
I dislike a noisy bus.
I get really sick when you put me on a noisy bus for a journey that lasts 40mins.
I do not like mosquitoes.
I like magic. I embrace magic.
I do not like people who spoil magic.

enough said. hope you know more about me (=
Ok im off to go broaden my general knowledge.
by surfing WIKIPEDIA!! <3

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Its interesting..

I had a very interesting dream. probably the result of playing too much cs. ahahha. =D It was a cool dream. almost real. everything were real life. just that we were in a pistol fight. terrorist vs counter-terrorist. It was almost amazing. I liked that dream. It was fun =)

I wish that i would dream abt skydiving. haha. I have dreamt that I drove a car. out ran a cheetah. harry potter. why not skydiving? =D <3

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Just for laughs (=

Friday, July 4, 2008

I like them all but...

I miss

I miss listening to the choir sing every morning.
I miss IJ TP. I miss the masses in school.
I miss the chapel in IJ.
The videos of ij tp brings back
many memories from ij. (=
Good ones of course

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Its stupid now i think back..

I had a pretty long day today.
okay school was for 2 hours only.
pretty stupid. hahah. i got caught
copying notes again. hahahahaah.
(only a few people will understand
this joke.)

after school headed to boonkeng on bus 23.
xianyong(xy) alighted as well to meet her sis
they were gg to harbourfront. I went to makan
first. then i headed to bukit panjang. =S
Long ride there. was pretty okay lar.
At least the train wasnt crowded and all.
reached there walked around. kinda cool
shops and all there. bought a couple of things
met the blogshop owner. got the stock. (=
yea left. decided to take the bus home.
BIG MISTAKE. the bus was seriously
hot. it would be easily mistaken as an oven
on eight wheels. ( you know the smrt buses)
it was so bloody hot. i survived lar. then
made my way from little india home. (=
bought bubble tea on the way to cool myself
down. hahahahha..

anw for amusement i found this.
it is so friggin unbelievable!!!
So.. Little boys, be careful of who you date. hahahahha..
they make look really pretty with make up on..
but... who are they really?

anw. if you were wondering what kinda
deck i was talking about that cost $20-$30.
or even more then that sometimes. here
are some pictures! (=
(they only cost THAT much because of
shipping and postage fee. bummer.)

wicked sick right. (=
I like the tragic royalty one.
Really unique (=
good for effects as well =D

Ah wells enought of my nonsensical ramblings...
One more day till the weekends!
and we start all over again!


Name 20 people whom you can think right now.
17) fatty
18) pink and the brain
19) andrew
20) shawn

How did you meet no. 4?
eh cathe class. hahah i nvr noticed him till
sec2 though =X

What will you do if you never meet no. 1?
eh no mj khaki? hahah..

What if no. 9 & no. 20 dated?
hahah.. my cousin... and esther?
haha joke. joke.

Will no. 6 & no. 17 date?
haha will eugene date my dead hamster? HAHAHA.

Describe no. 3.my current classmate(:
ky. eh funny. lame chao lame. hahah

Do you know any of no.12’s family?
yeaps. hahahahha..

What will you do if no.18 confess to you that he / she likes you?
haha of course they like me? they were my hamsters.

15 speaks?
a language i dun understand. nvr understood him.

How old is no.16?

Who is no.2 favorite band or singer?
hehe idk leh. =X

Would you ever date no. 4?

Would you ever date no. 1?
haha. no.

Is no. 19 single?
YEA. hahaha cute little buggeer

Would you ever be in a relationship with no.11?
eh no? small kid leh.

School of no. 3?

Where does no. 6 live?

What is your favourite thing about no.5?
eh she likes to eat too?

Have you seen no. 2 naked?
haha funny sia.

What is no. 8’s nickname?
eh joochiat? jking jking

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I really need to ask myself. Is $20-$30 for a deck of coloured cards worth it?
Oh gosh Im so tempted to purchase them. Its just a click away.
on top of that I still have to pay shipping fee/postage fee. roar.. . .
and i have to wait. =( omg. im so tempted.